The Arctic Spirit retreat

Utsjoki, Finnish Lapland

September 14-18th 2024

Come experience the Arctic Spirit!


Have you dreamed of visiting some of the northernmost parts of the world and experiencing the beautiful Fall Colors in the spectacular Arctic Tundra? Walking on the fells alongside reindeer and trying out sauna and other Nordic traditions? Even being blessed with some Northern Lights? This is available in September 2024!

Welcome to Utsjoki, to my family's villa by the Teno River that serves as the border between Finland and Norway.

I am excited to bring an international crew to experience this beauty! It is a very remote location and requires quite a bit of knowledge on how to get around, so it is a special place to visit! To make it smooth and easy I have included transportation and some other fun special treats for your convenience. 

This week is about presence and being. It is like time stops as you disconnect from the busy world, practice daily yoga, receive delicious home made meals, daily walks in nature and sauna. In the evening you might find yourself chatting by the fireplace or sitting quietly on your own by the river bank. This place is magical and has served as a location of four successful retreats already.

The Arctic Spirit Retreat is a  boutique experience: only 6-7 participants in the private villa, morning and evening yoga, hikes, delicious local food, excursions to the Arctic Sea... read on to learn more and to book.


Before attending Mikaela’s retreat in Ohcejohka for the first time, I was quite nervous about spending several days at the guidance of a yoga teacher I had never practiced with. All concerns were unnecessary. Mikaela has an exceptional gift of attuning with each individual emotionally, spiritually and physically. In each area, she opens you doors and gives you directions but never pushes you to take any specific path (or any) of them if it’s not right for you at that moment. Learning with Mikaela is a genuinely reciprocal process where you feel respected and supported. And she makes heavenly cinnamon rolls!

A journey filled with...

Impeccable nature, the palpable Arctic Spirit, yoga & meditation techniques, connection, laughter and love.

The Arctic Spirit Retreat in Ohcejohka (Utsjoki)

September 14-18th 2024

Bures Boahtin Ohcejohka! (Welcome to Utsjoki, in Sámi language). We are reverently meeting on the land of the Indigenous peoples known as Sámi. The Sámi have lived on these lands way before they were known as Finland, Norway, Sweden and Russia. They have lived as nomadic peoples, but these days many have settled and continued reindeer herding fishing and work in other industries.

Thanks to the Sámi the nature up north has remained unspoiled and incredibly beautiful. Their lifestyle is one with nature and we have a lot to learn from people who live in such connection with the surrounding nature.

This land is very special in its energy, the Arctic nature and its eight seasons. It is a place almost designed for retreating, quiet time, distance from the noise to connect to the stillness within. This retreat combines easy to average hikes in the fells, dynamic and restorative yoga and spiritual and ritualistic work in a cosy, private and comfortable setting.

To me it is really important to understand the history, present and future of the land I walk on. Utsjoki is very rich in Sámi culture (it is the only municipality in Finland with a Sámi majority population) which I want to respect as many indigenous rights have been violated. As I bring people here to enjoy the nature, silence and beauty, I want to remain conscious of who are the original stewards of this land. Thus, I have included a visit to the Sámi museum Siida to the itinerary. We will also visit Arctic Sauna in a cute little town on Norway side. And of course go walk on the fells and spot some reindeer! And keep our Aurora Borealis apps ready in the evening to be ready to admire the Northern Lights!

Shared rooms

Sleeps 2 in a bunk bed (can also be arranged as two individual twin beds). Two shared rooms available. 

Private Queen room

A private room with a queen size bed for a single or couple.

Private Alcove

Private alcove with a twin size bed, secluded with a curtain.

Yoga space with a view

We will greet the majestic river and fell view every day.


This wouldn't be a complete Finnish experience without a sauna. We will heat it every night! Choose to join me in the heat or simply shower in the sauna space. 

Hikes + excursions

There are many easy hikes to do around our villa. We will pack some snacks and head out to the nature for a hike + delicious fika in nature. We also have an exciting excursion to the Arctic Sea!

Maria, day retreat 2022

"Mikaela has been my source of inspiration for years. Her energy is uplifting and rooting at the same time; I feel that I get exactly what I need in her retreat or yoga class or mentoring session. I might not even be able to say what I need but she heals and guides me forward on my path every time we meet. The day retreat in Finland during August 2022 gave me a moment to pause, a moment to breathe and come back to my body. She held the space with her joy of life and I was purely me again. I trust and treasure my connection with her and am grateful to have her in my life." 

Auli, Lapland 2022

After the retreat I felt rejuvenated, both in the body and mind – upon returning home I was full of energy and new inspiration. I recommend the retreat to yogis of all ages and backgrounds. Our diverse group played well together and ISHTA Yoga that Mikaela teaches offered modifications to fit everyone's needs. I got lots of tools for my own practice and inspiration and new ideas about existing in the world. A warm thank you, I am very glad I chose to embark on my roadtrip up North.

About yoga and inner work

Mikaela teaches ISHTA Yoga and the word ishta comes from a sanskrit term ishta devata which translates to "that which resonates with the individual spirit". The yoga practice is tailored to each person's needs, and is suitable for beginners and advanced alike, to anyone working with injuries or pregnant. The goal of yoga is a state of oneness and after an invigorating morning practice we will do a silent seated meditation. Afternoon yoga is yin and restorative yoga. 

We will also do some ritual work and reflect our inner process through journaling or sharing in a circle. Nothing is expected of you, except to show up for yourself as authentically, compassionately and lovingly as you can. We hold a non-judgmental space for everyone, no matter where each is on their own journey. This retreat and coming together is an opportunity for you to reconnect with yourself, use tools for energy management and of course allow nature to teach us what She has to teach. 


Saturday September 14th

  • Arrival at Ivalo airport 13:15 (1:15pm)
  • Pick up at the airport
  • 15.00 (3pm) Siida, Sámi museum
  • 17.00 (5pm) Transportation to Utsjoki villa (drive is about 2 hours)
  • Dinner
  • Welcome circle + sauna + sleep
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday
  • 7 am Pre Yoga Snack
  • 8-10am Yoga and Meditation
  • 10am Brunch
  • Hike / excursion
  • 5-6:30pm Restorative and Yin Yoga, Sound Journey
  • 7pm dinner
  • Sauna, relaxing, sleep

Wednesday September 18th

  • 7:30-9:30 am Yoga
  • 10am Brunch
  • Free time
  • Full Moon Restorative Yoga, Yoga Nidra + Closing circle
  • 19.00 (7pm) Departure

This is an approximate schedule that can live according to our needs and desires. There will be one excursion day when we go a little further, so the schedule is slightly different.

What to expect

This is a truly magical time to visit Lapland as the fells are covered with different shades of red, orange and yellow. The nature is getting ready for winter and offers  s a spectacular view, almost like a painting.

The temperatures are usually low this early in the summer, nightly 40's Fahrenheit to high 50's and maybe occasional 60's. I highly recommend packing layers, good outdoor gear, shoes, wool socks and a wool shirt and even a raincoat or something that can take light drizzle. 

In addition to daily yoga and sauna rituals, there will be many things to do and you are also welcome to stay at the villa and practice the art of doing nothing! For the ones who want to go on the fells, I usually choose easy hikes but good shoes are recommended and the hikes require some balance, stamina and agility.

Jaana, Lapland 2022

I have experienced Mikaela's yoga classes on zoom, in person, and most recently at a special retreat in Finnish Lapland. Having taken up yoga way too late in my life, some poses are difficult for me, but Mikaela is able to instruct and modify according to individual needs. I don't know much about the distinctions between the different forms of yoga, but the physical instruction is combined with an attention to mind and spirit, which she does seamlessly, resulting in a clearing of the mind and a sense of peace. She speaks a lot, but always calmly and non-judgementally, inspiring us to reach deeper into ourselves while respecting each person's beliefs. I look forward to continuing this practice under her guidance, but I also hope she can be a teacher and trainer for other yoga teachers.



  • Shared rooms 1497 € 1297 €
  • Private alcove with twin bed 1697€ 1497 € SOLD OUT
  • Private room with queen bed 1897€ 1697 € (or shared room rate 1097/1297€ per person for a couple)

All prices per person. Early bird pricing available until June 30th, 2024.

Price includes

  • 4 night's accommodation in the room of your choosing
  • yoga + meditation classes and workshop with Mikaela
  • airport transfer from and to Ivalo airport
  • excursion to Arctic Sauna
  • museum visit and a private guided tour
  • 4x pre yoga snack
  • 4x post yoga brunch
  • 4x snacks in nature
  • 3x dinner (one night's dinner is excluded as we will explore a local restaurant and this is an individual expense) 
  • use of shared spaces, bathrooms and wifi 
  • unlimited coffee & tea.

Price excludes:

  • airfare to Helsinki
  • airfare to Ivalo
  • one night's dinner

A non-refundable 500 € deposit will reserve your spot and remainder is due August 1st.

Book these flights HEL-IVL

First arrange your flight/transportation to Helsinki.

To get to IVL from Helsinki, you will book the following flights HEL-IVL through

In order to make the morning flight on Saturday, you might need to arrive in Finland the day before. You can book a stay in a hotel in Helsinki, either in the center or stay near the airport. As the flight arrives late after midnight, book one more night in Helsinki Sept 18-19th. 

Finnair flies direct flights from USA to Helsinki. Icelandair has good options for Finland as well.


Choose your room below. Email me to inquire more and confirm your booking at [email protected]. Booking flights is recommended once the minimum amount of participants has been fulfilled and the retreat is confirmed. You can also book flexible flights. 



Shared room


  • 4 available!
  • 500€ deposit to reserve your spot
  • remainder due Aug 1st, 2024

Private Alcove


  • only 1 available!
  • 500€ deposit to reserve your spot
  • remainder due August 1st 2024

Queen room


  • only 1 available!
  • 500€ deposit to reserve your spot
  • remainder due August 1st 2024

Email me for any questions

If you have questions about the retreat, do not hesitate to email me at [email protected]