And now you wonder...

Who's this Mikaela?


Mikaela Soldan is a somatic coach, yoga teacher and a mystic at heart, with over a decade of experience working with clients and leading teacher trainings and retreats internationally.

Originally from Finland, Mikaela found her yoga home at ISHTA Yoga in New York City, and moved there in 2016. While based in NYC, she frequently travels to lead retreats in her native Finland and the tropical paradise of Costa Rica.

Mikaela’s journey into the spiritual world began at the age of 19, following the loss of her mother. Overwhelmed by grief, she stumbled into a yoga class that transformed her life. Having always been drawn to philosophy and religion, it felt like a homecoming to discover a spiritual practice that wasn’t bound by dogma, but was rooted in personal connection with God, no mediary needed.

She became a certified yoga teacher in 2013 and began teaching in Helsinki. Her philosophically inspiring and spiritually nourishing style of teaching quickly earned her a reputation as one of the most beloved yoga teachers in her region. She continued her studies with her teachers in New York, deepening her practice and expanding her knowledge, and moved there in 2016.

Over the years, Mikaela’s path led her to explore trauma and its somatic expressions. She also immersed herself in the study of Human Design and Gene Keys, gaining insight into individual energy and personal growth potential.


Mikaela blends the material world with the spiritual, seamlessly weaving together the physical body and the more esoteric realms. She believes deeply in the embodiment of spirit in human form, and her greatest joy is guiding others to break through the density of human experience—healing personal and collective trauma stored in the body—and to bring spiritual liberation into this Earthy realm.


While this may sound exquisite and transformative (and it truly is), it also looks like simplicity, ordinariness, and graceful living. It’s about being able to receive and appreciate the beauty around us, feeling calm enough to pause and enjoy a quiet cup of coffee or tea, and feeling safe and relaxed in our bodies and being able to return to that state when life is rocking our boat. It’s about having clarity in our relationships, aligning with our true purpose, and having enough money and resources to care for ourselves and pour into the passions, people, and causes we love. It is about having inner resources and connection to God, without needing to look for happiness and fulfillment outside oneself.

In essence, it’s about living a good, balanced, open-hearted, and fulfilling life. This is what Mikaela calls a truly liberated and prosperous life.

To join Mikaela, check out the events page, online courses or book a connection call for 1:1 mentoring. Find Mikaela at ISHTA Yoga Schedule, follow her on Instagram or check out her videos on Youtube.  

  • Somatic Trauma Therapy Certification (The Embody Lab) 2025
  • Gene Keys Guide 2025
  • Spiritual Life Coach (Life Purpose Institute) – 2020
  • Reiki I & II – 2015 & 2019
  • Yin Yoga Module I with Ulrica Norberg 25h – 2018
  • Trauma Informed Yoga Teacher Training with Exhale to Inhale 25hrs – 2018
  • Yoga Nidra Training with Mona Anand 25hrs – 2017
  • ISHTA Yoga 300hr Teacher Training with Alan Finger – 2016
  • Yoga Hands on Assisting Training 8hrs with Ulrica Norberg – 2016
  • Raindrop-technique certificate with Catherine Garro – 2014
  • ISHTA Yoga 200hr Teacher Training with Alan Finger – 2013
  • BA in Media and Communications 2015
Photography by Elicia Miller
Connect with Mikaela


Mikaela has been my source of inspiration for years. Her energy is uplifting and rooting at the same time; I feel that I get exactly what I need in her retreat or yoga class or mentoring session. I might not even be able to say what I need but she heals and guides me forward on my path every time we meet.

Have you ever asked yourself: is this really all there is to life?

What I have learned over the years...

The healing journey begins when we fully accept responsibility for our situation. While the pain we experience is not our fault, the power to transform it lies in our ability to take ownership. By realizing that a more aligned and liberated life is possible, we unlock the potential for true change. This path isn’t always easy—it requires courage and willingness to face the discomfort of growth.
Often, the healing path starts with a “dark night of the soul”—a moment of loss, confusion, or crisis that challenges everything we once believed. This moment is not a setback, but an invitation from life to journey deeper within, to reconnect with our hearts, and to ask the questions that matter most.
Healing is the process of returning to your authentic self. It’s about allowing your soul to express itself freely, through creativity, play, and joy. It’s about living as yourself, no matter how many years you spent living otherwise.


Are you ready to take that first step?
Mikaela combines yoga, meditation, somatic trauma healing, energy work, and tools from Human Design and Gene Keys to create a personalized journey for your unique needs. At the foundation of this work is nervous system regulation, ensuring that you feel safe, present, and grounded before diving into deeper layers of healing. Once that inner safety is established, rejected or hidden parts of yourself can emerge. With compassion and openness, these parts are welcomed and embraced, allowing them to dissolve into your own love and acceptance.


As you integrate and love these aspects of yourself, you’ll begin to move into alignment with your soul’s purpose—living a life that is true to who you are and what you came here to do.


Self Mastery – Tools for Healing and Prospering
Quick and accessible seven day course to begin your journey with lifetime access.
Join here


Let’s set the space and build an altar for your life in a 1:1 container, where your body has the opportunity to reveal its pain and undergo transmutation through pure love.

Book a free call


Mikaela brings a beautiful calmness and clarity that creates such a safe and warm space, along with a lovely touch of playfulness and humor. She combines  many different spiritual tools in such an organic way, that you get a truly holistic treatment for your mind, soul and body💖



Liberation comes not from trying to escape life, but from embracing it fully in all its mystery.

Let's connect